Flavored Greek Yogurt

Greek Yogurt is not only acts as a good and tasty evening snack, but is also a protein rich go to meal that can be taken alongside our main meals. It can also be used as a dressing with various salads and fruits.

  1. Low fat Yogurt
  2. Cheesecloth
  3. Strawberries

  1. Strain the low fat curd by using the cheesecloth such that maximum of its water is separated. 
  2. Don't throw this water as it has a lot of health benefits and can be used in preparing dough.
  3. Now in a juicer add some strawberries after washing them thoroughly and removing the leaves.
  4. Grind the strawberries well such that a thick shake of strawberries is available.
  5. Now add this shake to the non fat yogurt left in the cheesecloth after removing the excess water and mix thoroughly.
  6. You don't need to add any extra sugar to the Greek Yogurt. You can also try various other flavors of the yogurt by replacing strawberries with other seasonal fruits like mangoes, bananas etc.

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